Obi-Wan Kenobi Series May Feature Some Familiar Faces

Credit: Lucasfilms

Credit: Lucasfilms

As you may have heard, Disney+ is making a series revolving around Obi-Wan Kenobi. This series is speculated to be set between Star Wars: A New Hope (1977) and Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005).

Presumably, if this said timeline is true, numerous Star Wars characters from the Age of Republic and the Age of Rebellion would be able to return.

Obi-Wan appeared in the first six Star Wars movies, showing his endeavors as a young man up to his very last moments. Considering that most of the characters were present during the aforementioned movies, it is likely that these characters would return.

This Obi-Wan Kenobi series could be the answer to a lot of the fans' queries regarding the Jedi Master and his compelling journey.

Ewan McGregor is set to reprise his role as Obi-Wan for the upcoming Disney+ series. He was last seen at Revenge of the Sith followed by Alec Guinness' older version in A New Hope, leaving most of his story untold on what he has been doing in all those times.

In this regard, fans would likely see familiar faces in the series. ScreenRant made a list and furthers down into details why these particular characters are to appear.

One would be Owen Lars, who wasn't given much screentime. The story that stands out for Owen Lars is the time where he adopted Luke Skywalker. It would be interesting to know what stories lie beneath Owen's views on the Republic, and this series may look into that.

Second is the young Luke Skywalker. Some are curious about how Luke recognized Ben Kenobi right away even though it seems like it was their first meeting in A New Hope. Even though it was revealed that they met a few times wherein Obi-Wan saved Luke a couple of times, Luke never really had a clue about Ben's name. If Luke returns in this series, it would be nice to see how the two actually met for the first time.

The next one is Darth Maul, who Obi-Wan has had battles with multiple times. In Solo, Darth Maul was still an active threat and these events from Solo could coincide with Obi-Wan's series. Darth Maul may also return as a villain in this series.

Fourth is Jabba the Hutt. Since it is likely for the series to be set on Tatooine, Obi-Wan may encounter Jabba the Hutt with some dealings or an attempt to take him down. Especially since Obi-Wan hated Jabba the Hutt for he has had a major influence in the region with his evil-doings. Bib Fortuna would likely show up as well for he has been Jabba's majordomo for years.

Fifth is Senator Bail Organa, who may be one of the very few people that Obi-Wan could trust at the time since he was the only one who knew about Luke, Leia, and the whereabouts of Yoda and Obi-Wan himself.

Lastly is Qui-Gon Jinn who died in The Phantom Menace. This series could include him since Yoda revealed towards the end of Revenge of the Sith that Qui-Gon began his path to becoming a Force ghost. With Obi-Wan trying to connect to Qui-Gon under Yoda's help, it is likely that he will return in this series.

The Obi-Wan Kenobi series is one of the shows that the fans look forward to in the Star Wars franchise. Packed with lots of answers regarding Obi-Wan's journey, as well as characters that fans loved dearly, it will surely be anticipated the most.

The Obi-Wan Kenobi series is rumored to be released in late 2020.

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