Netflix Wants to Track The Physical Activity of Some of Its Users

Some Netflix users are being asked to share their physical activity data, which is strange because no matter what we're doing while watching Netflix, not many of us would probably say that we're most active while watching films and TV shows on the streaming service but it turns out that Netflix has a good reason for doing it.

Recently, an Android user saw Netflix asking permission to track their physical activity with the option to allow or deny it.

After Netflix saw the tweet, Netflix responded to thenextweb and provided an explanation to why they want to track the physical activity of its users. Here's Netflix's reply:

We are continually testing ways to give our members a better experience. This was part of a test to see how we can improve video playback quality when a member is on the go. Only some accounts are in the test, and we don't currently have plans to roll it out.

It looks like Netflix is taking advantage of the activity recognition permission on Android Q which let developers track if users are in motion while using the app so it's likely that the streaming giant is figuring out the best way to buffer a video to improve the experience of users on the go.

Do you usually watch Netflix while moving?

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