Netflix Explains The Sandman's Unusual Aspect Ratio; Some Fans Call It "Distracting" and "Unwatchable"

Netflix Explains The Sandman's Unusual Aspect Ratio; Some Fans Call It "Distracting" and "Unwatchable"
Credit: Netflix

Netflix Explains The Sandman's Unusual Aspect Ratio; Some Fans Call It "Distracting" and "Unwatchable"
Credit: Netflix

The much-anticipated The Sandman from Neil Gaiman's comics finally arrived on Netflix and as it takes on views, some fans noticed that the aspect ratio of the series is vertically stretched. The streaming platform releases a statement explaining the reason behind it.

Netflix Explains The Sandman's Unusual Aspect Ratio; Some Fans Call It "Distracting" and "Unwatchable"
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Credit: Netflix
Netflix Explains The Sandman's Unusual Aspect Ratio; Some Fans Call It "Distracting" and "Unwatchable"

Viewers of The Sandman are confused as to why the show's aspect ratio is slightly skewed. For some, they noticed it as early as the trailers of the series which is quite unusual for any piece. After the reactions from the fans, Netflix sheds light on the issue saying it is intentional.

A Netflix spokesperson revealed through Variety, "As you'll note many of the environments are surreal in the series and we often say it's quite what a dream would feel like."

This statement from Netflix confirms that the slightly off aspect ratio is a creative touch of the cinematographers of The Sandman: Will Baldy, Sam Heasman, and George Steel to give quite a surreal effect on the scenes, carrying through the unreality of dreams.

However, some fans are calling this creative call of skewing the aspect ratio as "distracting" or "unwatchable." Here are some of the reactions of the fans:

Neil Gaiman's comic "Preludes and Nocturnes" and "The Doll's House" made its way to Netflix in a ten-episode series on The Sandman starring Tom Sturridge helming the lead role of Morpheus a.k.a. The Sandman, Dream of the Endless.

READ MORE: Who is "The Prodigal" in Netflix's The Sandman?

From the comics of Neil Gaiman, The Sandman follows the god of dreams, Dream of the Endless, which transcends the boundaries of human comprehension. It circles around the stories of how Morpheus, the Dream King, is captured and he learns that change is inevitable.

As of the time of writing, there is no confirmation yet whether there would be a second season for The Sandman but should there be a renewal for The Sandman Season 2, there is still a lot of material to base on given that Gaiman's comics have more or less ten volumes.

The Sandman is now streaming on Netflix.

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