Netflix Cancels Mystery Science Theater 3000 After 2 Seasons

The end of an era is coming. Netflix has just cancelled Mystery Science Theater 3000 after two seasons on the streaming service.

The news comes from series creator Joel Hodgson, who had sent an email to the regular MST3K mailing list (via Den of Geek).

"As some of you might have guessed, we won't be making new seasons of the show for Netflix," Hodgson wrote. "However, I want you to know that we've had a wonderful time working with the Netflix team, and will always be grateful to them. After all, they gave us the opportunity to spend the past few years aboard the Satellite of Love, and made it possible for new generations to discover the joys of riffing cheesy movies with your friends."

The sad news was backed up by Jonah Ray Rodriguez, who tweeted about the cancellation while referencing just about every other show that Netflix has cancelled.

So does this mean that Mystery Science Theater 3000 is finally over after 12 amazing seasons? Hodgson offered some hope in his email.

"I couldn't be more grateful or proud to our incredible cast and our wonderful crew for bringing this incarnation of the show to life, and hope that we'll get the chance to continue collaborating on MST3K as we enter our next chapter," he wrote.

It's pretty disappointing that we won't get to see more episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000 this year (or next year). Nevertheless, we're holding on to hope that the show will continue on a different platform.

The show's latest season The Gauntlet is still streaming on Netflix.

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