Marvel's Star Wars Gets Gritty With Brand-New Bounty Hunters Series

The Mandalorian seems to be having a profound effect on Star Wars, selling tons of merch for people who love the lead character or Baby Yoda. Fans are loving the grittier side of Star Wars that we see in Disney+ on a regular basis and it looks like Marvel Comics wants to capitalize on this hype by announcing Star Wars Bounty Hunters, a new ongoing title that will focus on some of the galaxy's best, well, bounty hunters.

Announced by Star, Bounty Hunters will be written by Ethan Sacks, who wrote the Old Man Hawkeye and Old Man Quill comics and drawn by artist Paolo Vilanelli. Sacks also confirmed that this comic will be set during the "battle between the Rebellion and the Empire," indicating that this could be set during A New Hope or maybe The Empire Strikes Back.

Bounty Hunters will focus on Beilart Valance, who debuted during the Target Vader mini-series, though he did technically debut in the ‘70s Star Wars comics that Marvel published. Valance will be seeking revenge on his mentor Nakano Lash who turned on him, though he also has to deal with other hunters who are hunting him, like Boba Fett and Bossk.

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Credit: Marvel Comics/LucasFilm

Here's what Sacks had to say about the comic:

"While the battle between the Rebellion and the Empire raged in the stars, the darker corners of the Star Wars universe belonged to the bounty hunters. And that's always been a facet of the saga that's fascinated me ever since I first witnessed that glorious murderers' row take a bounty from Darth Vader aboard the Executor in a theater as a seven-year-old in 1980. I'm channeling that wonder from The Empire Strikes Back and beyond in Bounty Hunters, which will be a high-octane action romp through the Star Wars underworld of Hutts and Fetts."

It looks really promising and we're hoping that Bounty Hunters lives up to the expectations that The Mandalorian has set. Sacks does have a decent track record thus far, so here's hoping that he doesn't let us down this brand-new Star Wars comic.

Star Wars Bounty Hunters is scheduled for release this March.

Read:Marvel's Star Wars Comic Will Relaunch in January and Takes Place After Empire Strikes Back

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