Jon Favreau Says The Mandalorian Isn't Just for Nostalgic Fans

The Mandalorian looks like a series many Star Wars fans have been asking for, exploring the dark and gritty underbelly that these bounty hunters tend to stay in. We're less than a month away from the highly-anticipated series coming out, along with Disney+ itself, and there's no doubt that many nostalgic fans are going to watch it. However, showrunner Jon Favreau is hoping that the series also appeals to newer and younger fans.

Speaking with CNN, the Iron Man and Lion King (2019) director feels that the show should be used to spread messages across countless generations, not just the ones who grew up with the original Star Wars but those that are experiencing it for the first time as well. It's a good mindset to have since you never know how many younger viewers are going to become a devoted fan to your franchise.

Here's Favreau's full statement:

"[With] 'Star Wars,' part of that responsibility is remembering that part of your audience is a whole generation that's coming of age and, through stories, we express our values to the next generation. And so one of the things he said was not to lose sight that is the main audience for stories."

Favreau is right since the Star Wars legacy does have to spread and it can't just be with us 30-year-olds who think the franchise should stay one way. Hopefully, both young and older Star Wars fans appreciate what The Mandalorian has to offer, assuming that its a good series of course.

The Mandalorian is scheduled for a November 13 release, which coincides with when the Disney+ streaming service is coming out.

Read:Jon Favreau On The Anti-Marvel Criticism By Martin Scorsese And Francis Ford Coppola

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