Jon Favreau on Why Fans Aren’t Getting Baby Yoda for Christmas

Baby Yoda might be all the rage these days, but Star Wars fans aren't getting any toys based on the green 50-year-old child this Christmas. Now, Star Wars: The Mandalorian creator Jon Favreau explains why.

Speaking in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter,Iron Man director Jon Favreau tries to explain why he and his team didn't really consider creating Baby Yoda merchandise when they were developing The Mandalorian.

According to Favreau, he didn't want to create any merchandise based off on Baby Yoda because it might leak out to the public and spoil the surprise when The Mandalorian actually premiered.

"I think that part of what people really value is to be surprised and delighted, and I think that's becoming all too rare," Favreau told the entertainment news outlet, "It's very difficult to keep secrets about projects you're working on. By holding back on that one product, we knew that we may have had the disadvantage of not having toys available day and date, but what we got in exchange was excitement surrounding the character, because everybody felt like they discovered him together. That emulated more what my experience growing up was like."

It might seem like a shame considering how popular Baby Yoda is right now. The character managed to steal the hearts of Star Wars fans all over ever since he first appeared in the first episode of The Mandalorian.

Baby Yoda came as quite a surprise to everyone. Sure, there were rumors Pedro Pascal's Mandalorian would have a baby with him in the series, but no one was really expecting a 50-year-old adorable swamp rat to accompany in his adventures. Fans were taken in by Baby Yoda's wide doe eyes and his adorable little antics while on Mando's ship.

Lucky for fans, Funko Pop! Has figures and an 11-inch plush toy of Baby Yoda available to satiate fans who won't be able to get their Lucasfilm Baby Yoda toys for the holiday season.

Star Wars: The Mandalorian is streaming on Disney+. New episodes arrive every Friday.

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