John Krasinski Shares Plans for A Quiet Place 3

There is little doubt that fans are loving A Quiet Place Part II right now. However, it looks like John Krasinski is already looking towards the future. The director has just shared some details on his plans for A Quiet Place 3.

It's no secret that it took some time before Krasinski could come up with a sequel to the first movie. Nevertheless, the filmmaker managed to pen the screenplay that impressed his wife and co-star Emily Blunt. But will he have a difficult time working on a third screenplay and movie?

Krasinski recently spoke to Collider while promoting A Quiet Place Part 2. Interestingly, he revealed that there were mysteries he was hoping to explore in the sequels.

"It's interesting. I genuinely hadn't thought about a second one when I was doing the first one. However, I really had these questions while I was doing it. I put the fires out in the distance in the first one, and I always thought to myself, ‘Wouldn't it be cool if we got to explore where those fires lead to? Who's on the other end of those fires?' But I never thought that there would be a sequel," Krasinski said.

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Not surprisingly, this was what he explored in Part 2. With the first sequel out of the way, Krasinski has since concentrated on taking notes on what A Quiet Place 3 should be about.

"So then, when I actually came around to writing the sequel, I started with the fires. And so this time, I think when my brain started wandering of questions of what would this mean, later on, I started to write down notes in case I could prepare myself for a third one," he said.

This is great to hear considering that fans are hoping for a third film. Hopefully, we'll get another update on a possible sequel before the end of the year.

A Quiet Place Part II is now screening in theaters worldwide.

Related: A Quiet Place 2 Defeats Cruella in Memorial Day Weekend Box Office

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