Is WandaVision Part of the MCU?

Credit: Marvel Studios

Credit: Marvel Studios

A lot of intrigue surrounds the upcoming Disney+ series WandaVision starring Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany and unsurprisingly, fans have a lot of questions about the project ahead of its upcoming release in January. We've already gotten ourselves a taste of the show's captivating and mind-blowing teasers but some Marvel fans are still left asking — is the show actually part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe or is it a separate spinoff on its own?

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Credit: Marvel Studios

Personally speaking, I believe all of the confusion surrounding the show stems from the fact that WandaVision looks, unlike any other project we've seen from the folks over at Marvel Studios. Thanks to its interesting and exciting treatment which incorporates elements from classic American sitcoms, the show's overall vibe feels quite different from the typical MCU formula we've all grown accustomed to. However, don't let its fun and vibrant facade fool you as this show will definitely take a 360 turn as it progresses.

Now, let me break it down for you to once and for all end the confusion. Right off the bat, we can confirm that WandaVision will indeed be part of the MCU and in fact, it will kick-off the franchise's fourth phase. It's also worth noting that it has long been established that the series will tie directly into Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and it also sets up the events that will go down in the yet-to-be-titled Spider-Man 3.

If you're wondering if the show will eventually give birth to a spinoff film project down the line, the chances aren't slim at all as Wanda Maximoff aka the Scarlet Witch could potentially become the MCU's next big villain with all the chaos she's set to create in WandaVision. And considering how Kevin Feige is extremely high on the character and Elizabeth Olsen's portrayal, don't expect the actress to be relegated to just doing TV series for long. She's definitely set for a huge upgrade in the franchise.

WandaVision will premiere on January 15, 2021, only on Disney+.

Also Read:WandaVision Star Elizabeth Olsen Details ‘Exhausting' First Two Weeks of Filming

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