Hell’s Paradise: Gabimaru’s Powers Explained

Hell’s Paradise: Gabimaru’s Powers Explained

Hell’s Paradise: Gabimaru’s Powers Explained

Hell’s Paradise follows the story of the infamous Gabimaru the Hollow and his ticket to achieving a pardon for all of his crimes. As an elite shinobi assassin, Gabimaru is known to have god-level abilities, which makes it easy for him to finish his missions smoothly. But what are Gabimaru’s powers?

Spoiler Alert: There are minor spoilers below!

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Gabimaru: Iwagakure's Elite Shinobi Assassin

Gabimaru: Iwagakura’s Elite Shinobi Assassin
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From the beginning of Hell’s Paradise, it is emphasized that Gabimaru is a well-known criminal who is too dangerous to confront.

He possesses a raw talent, having survived the harsh and deadly training in Iwagakure.

His talent surpassed all shinobi, earning him the title, Gabimaru the Hollow. He is feared by his peers and even people from other villages.

He can easily take down his enemies, even when outnumbered, single-handedly.

His best record is killing 20 men without getting any hits. He can also survive a massacre of criminals even if his hands are bound.

With all these achievements, fans are now curious about Gabimaru’s capabilities. What are his skills and powers? And why is he so strong?

Gabimaru’s Powers Explained

Gabimaru’s Powers Explained
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As the strongest shinobi in Iwagakure, it is not surprising that Gabimaru is skilled in different ways.

As such, we'll tackle his powers in terms of his physical abilities, ninjutsu, and Tao.

Physical Abilities

Physical Abilities
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Earlier, we mentioned that Gabimaru does have raw talent. This refers to his immense physical strength.

His bare fists and legs can easily puncture the bodies of every living creature.

Thanks to the training he acquired in Iwagakure, Gabimaru gained an inhuman body that allows him to do various things, such as temporarily stopping his heart from beating or hardening his body.

He is also skilled in Taijutsu, earning him tons of powerful moves without breaking much sweat.


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As a skilled shinobi, Gabimaru can perform different levels of ninjutsu. His main ability is the use of flames that can burn his enemies.

With this ninjutsu type, he can make his body more durable and fire-resistant.


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Since Gabimaru’s ninjutsu is focused on fire, he earned the Fire-attribute Tao. The amount of Tao his body has is similar to that of Lord Tensen.

This allows him to sense others' presence along with his surroundings. He can read his enemies' intentions during fights and figure out the weak spots of someone’s Tao.

Gabimaru also overcame Arborification and gained the regenerative abilities of the Flower Tao. This immediately makes him immortal.

The only time he becomes weak is when he is faced with an opponent who uses Water Tao.

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READ NEXT: Why Is Gabimaru Losing His Memories?

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