George Lucas Had No Budget Constraints For His Cancelled Star Wars Series

Credit: Star Wars/Lucasfilm

Credit: Star Wars/Lucasfilm

George Lucas might have worked under a budget developing the first Star Wars movie, however, it seems like the Star Wars creator didn't want his Star Wars series to be bogged down by financial restraints.

Collider just recently spoke in an interview with Star Wars Underworld writer and producer Ronald D. Moore to talk about the scrapped Star Wars series.

During the interview, Moore revealed how Lucas had been preparing ambitious plans for Underworld. The writer and producer's discussion with Collider revealed the "big and crazy" Lucas had prepared for the project. The Star Wars legend didn't want budget constraints to bog down the series, so he told Moore and his team to "write them as big as you want, and we'll figure it out later."

"So we really had no (budget) restraints. We were all experienced television and feature writers, so we all kind of knew what was theoretically possible on a production budget," Moore told the entertainment news outlet, "But we just went, ‘For this pass, OK let's just take him at his word just to make it crazy and big' and there was lots of action, lots of sets, and huge set pieces. Just much bigger than what you would normally do in a television show."

It sounds like Lucas really had something big in mind for Star WarsUnderworld. Unfortunately, the project never really got to see the light of day. Lucas had hired a variety of writers for the series, and over fifty scripts were made. Multiple art designers were brought on to visualize Lucas' plans for Underworld.

In the end, Lucas gave up on the project, announcing that the series had to be put o hold because of budget constraints.

Lucas' Skywalker saga is available for streaming on Disney+.

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