Frieren and Marcille Get Hilarious Crossovers From Fans

Frieren Delicious in Dungeon Marcille

Frieren Delicious in Dungeon Marcille

Trigger’s new anime Delicious in Dungeon has made a splash over the past weeks thanks to its hilarious fantasy story. Along with discussions about how good the show is, Delicious in Dungeon has also inspired hilarious crossover fanart featuring Frieren and Marcille.

Despite how different they are, these crossovers make sense as both Frieren and Marcille are elves with unique personalities.

Aside from these two though, Delicious in Dungeon has also gotten top recommendations from Frieren fans.

Delicious in Dungeon Is Getting a Lot of Love From Frieren Fans

delicious in dungeon marcille
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Delicious in Dungeon premiered on Netflix last week, and it quickly got a lot of attention thanks to its funny premise. It also helped that the series was released with many dub options and not just English.

What makes the Winter 24 season even better for fantasy fans is that the second half of Frieren Season 1 continues to air. Thus, fans of each series have been hyping both shows up.

This is no surprise given that the source materials of both shows are considered to be among the best modern fantasy manga. After all, while they have familiar worlds, their stories are different than usual.

Frieren may have a more contemplative atmosphere in contrast to Delicious in Dungeon’s more comedic nature, but both shows have already gotten praise for their impressive lore and world-building.

With these two titles now getting anime adaptations, fans of both titles can’t wait for the upcoming Witch Hat Atelier anime.

That’s because this series is also among the best fantasy manga, according to fans.

In the meantime, fans are having a great time crossing over the two shows, especially their two elven characters.

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Frieren and Marcille Get Lots of Hilarious Crossover Fanart

frieren smug
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On social media platforms like X, lots of talented artists have begun sharing detailed and often hilarious crossover illustrations of Frieren and Marcille.

These two elves may have wildly different characteristics, but they’re similar in that they have distinctive personalities. Plus, they make lots of funny, meme-worthy faces.

Lots of these fanart imagine what would happen if Frieren and Marcille met each other. Meanwhile, others depict the two in their signature poses, with Frieren being eaten by a mimic while Marcille breakdances.

As both shows continue to get new episodes this season, chances are that we’ll see even more fanart in the coming weeks and months.

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READ NEXT: Delicious in Dungeon: Marcille German Dub VA Is a Fan Favorite

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