Even Mark Hamill Is Ashamed About the Star Wars Holiday Special

You don't have to remind the amazing Mark Hamill--the actor himself knows his stint in the critically panned Star Wars Holiday Special was not Luke Skywalker's finest hour.

He recently took to Twitter to ask for the compassion of fans for participating in what he could only describe as an "infamous ignominy." "To say I feel humiliated and ashamed would be a gross understatement," he tweeted.

The actor shared some stills from the Christmas special to boot. He even added a quote by George Lucas that encapsulates what he feels about the program. In the quote, the Star Wars creator says that he hopes to one day track down every copy of the spinoff and destroy them with a hammer.

To refresh your memory (whether you like it or not), the Star Wars Holiday Special takes place between the events of A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. It follows Chewie and Han Solo as they do everything in their power to reach the Wookie homeworld in time for the celebration of "Life Day."

While Luke and other original trilogy characters like Darth Vader, Princess Leia, C-3PO, and R2-D2 all appeared in the special, the 98-minute runtime put the spotlight on Chewbacca's family.

If there is a character that should be ashamed of this, it is probably Boba Fett. Before he was introduced as the cool-looking bounty hunter in Empire Strikes Back, he actually made his debut in the Star Wars Holiday Special. This might be something that could console Hamill.

But it looks like even though he was introduced in the most criticized entry in the franchise, it wasn't all that hard to love the character. Some would say he was the saving grace of the whole thing.

Released in 1978, the Star Wars Holiday Special is so spectacularly awful that there are still strong reactions about it to this day. It is one of those things that's so bad it's good. Some hilarious reviews described it as "bubblegum for the brain" and "a 70s trainwreck." One review even went so far as to say that it has to be the work of a "sentient bag of cocaine."

Quite frankly, even I just can't get through it, but it's great it exists because we get all these hilarious reactions especially from Hamill himself. Thanks to the internet, fans probably won't let the cast ever forget about this musical abomination.

In retrospect, Lucas admitted that letting the Star Wars Holiday Special use the now-iconic characters "probably wasn't the smartest thing to do."

Also Read: Star Wars Holiday Special Gets Awesome The Force Awakens-Style Trailer

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