Disney to Release Exclusive Star Wars Novels For China

Given all of the controversy surrounding Blizzard and the NBA bending the knee to China, you would think that a billion-dollar company like Disney would try to avoid any public deals with the country right? That's where you'd be wrong since Deadline has confirmed that Disney and LucasFilm are planning to make Star Wars big in China by translating more than 40 of their books and releasing original novels exclusive to the country.

Really Disney? You couldn't at least wait for some of these controversies to die down a bit before doing this?

To be fair, the company's intentions seem to be about making the presence of Star Wars bigger in China and not much else. Still, when you consider how the country's government is attacking people in Hong Kong for protesting and wanting to be liberated, the timing comes off a bit, well, tasteless.

We have to admit that releasing original material to get Chinese audiences interested in Star Wars is kind of smart. After all, China hasn't been able to view any Star Wars movies until 2015. Though audiences did enjoy The Force Awakens, both The Last Jedi and Solo: A Star Wars Story bombed in the country.

It seems doubtful that the rest of the world is going to get these Chinese Star Wars books but when you consider all of the comics, novels, and video games we have, this is fine.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker comes out on December 20.

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