Denji and Power’s Sibling Energy Is on Full Display in This Viral Chainsaw Man Art

Chainsaw Man Denji and Power's Art

Chainsaw Man Denji and Power's Art

With Season 2 not yet confirmed, we’ll likely wait a while to see more Chainsaw Man in anime form. But that hasn’t stopped fans from celebrating the series as an impressive new fanart of Chainsaw Man’s Denji and Power has gone viral on Twitter.

Recently, fan artist @sukesuke_burger on Twitter shared an illustration of Denji and Power that perfectly captures their sibling energy. This was a big hit among fans as it got over 94k likes and over 3.2 million views in just two days.

Aside from the great-looking art, the illustration going viral makes sense as Denji and Power have incredibly good chemistry together.

Denji and Power’s Unique Relationship

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Take note that by chemistry, Denji and Power don’t have anything romantic going on.

Sure, Power let Denji cop a feel early into the series, but that was far from romantic. In fact, it even resulted in Denji getting a bout of depression.

Since that moment, Denji and Power’s relationship evolved into something unique.

While they don’t 100% get along (as Power wanted to sacrifice Denji to the Eternity Devil), they do have each other’s backs, at least for the most part.

Perhaps the best way to describe their relationship is that they’re like siblings.

Sure, they bicker and quarrel a lot, but they do get along at many points. For instance, they worked quite well together while training under Kishibe.

Of course, that all went down the drain in the final episode as Denji pretty much left Power to her own devices as he headed off to fight Katana Man.

Still, the episode’s final ending showed them celebrating like a family with Aki.

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Denji and Power’s Sibling Art Goes Viral

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Despite their penchant for getting on each other’s nerves, Power and Denji’s dynamic is one that Chainsaw Man fans have grown to love. And this can be clearly seen in the reactions to the new fanart.

The illustration shows Power playfully posing on Denji’s back, with the two having unserious expressions.

This is pretty much a perfect representation of their dynamic, and fans seem to think so as well.

With this, it’s clear to see that Denji and Power are still easily among the most popular characters of the series.

This is despite the ongoing second part of Chainsaw Man shifting its focus to the new protagonist, Asa Mitaka.

Still, fans are hoping to see more of this duo if Chainsaw Man Season 2 gets produced soon.

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