Here's Why Netflix's The Brothers Sun Is Obsessed With Churros

Here's Why Netflix's The Brothers Sun Is Obsessed With Churros
Credit: Netflix

Here's Why Netflix's The Brothers Sun Is Obsessed With Churros
Credit: Netflix

Netflix's The Brothers Sun is catching fans' eyes, and not for it thrilling plot alone. Viewers are also interested in the churros, because Brothers Sun features a lot of them.

Charles Sun: Hitman or Baker?

The Brothers Sun TV series follows Charles Sun (Justin Chien), a hitman from Taipei who has settled into a ruthless life.

When his father is assassinated, however, Charles must move to L.A. to protect his mother (Michelle Yeoh) and younger brother (Sam Song Li).

Already from the trailer, it is evident that The Brothers Sun is full of action and conflict.

However, fans are also interested in the quieter scenes, particularly the ones that reveal the passionate baker hidden behind Charles' ruthless assassin persona.

Explaining Charles' Churros in Brothers Sun

Charles Churros Brothers Sun
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Credit: Netflix

Throughout The Brothers Sun TV series Charles is often seen cooking, baking, or appreciating food.

One scene in particular sticks out for fans as it really gave them a craving for churros, full with the sweet crunch you would expect when eating one!

After encountering churros for the first time at the college his brother Bruce attends, Charles becomes increasingly interested in the tasty treat.

Charles explains that, to him, churros are a bit like cinnamon sugar youtiao, and many fans loved this description.

Charles' interest in churros and baking more generally adds to his characterization, showing that he isn't just any hitman from any gangster movie.

In fact, he would much rather spend his time perfecting his churros recipe instead of killing.

So What Is Youtiao?

Youtiao explained
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Credit: Alpha, Flickr

Youtiao is a popular flour-based Chinese treat that many consider as an anscestor to churros.

Like churros, youtiao are long strips of deep-fried dough. That being said, a youtiao consists of two braided strips of dough, so the recipe is a bit different from churros' characteristic shape. Moreover, youtiao is typically savory.

Regardless, fans of deep-fried dough treats are likely to love both.

The Deeper Meaning of Churros in The Brothers Sun

The Deeper Meaning of Churros in The Brothers Sun
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Credit: Netflix

At its heart, The Brothers Sun tackles the culture clash between the East and the West.

In this context, churros can become a metaphor of Charles' conflict, especially if their similarties to youtiao are taken into account.

Food is often an element that brings people from different cultures together, helping them appreciate their differences but also recognize possible similarities.

Charles' love for churros could symbolize his gradual opening up to American culture without this meaning that he lets go of his own traditions.

After all, Charles also perfects other baked goods, including Chinese pineapple cakes!

READ NEXT: Who Is Highdee Kuan, Who Plays Alexis in The Brothers Sun?

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