Bird Box Barcelona: Why Can Sebastian See?

Mario Casas as Sebastián in Bird Box Barcelona
Credit: Netflix

Mario Casas as Sebastián in Bird Box Barcelona
Credit: Netflix

Bird Box Barcelona made its premiere on Netflix on July 14th. If you're one of those who started watching the film, you may wonder Bird Box Barcelona: Why can Sebastian see?

In this article, we'll explain who Sebastian is and why he has the ability to see the monsters in Bird Box Barcelona without being overwhelmed to kill himself.

What Is Bird Box Barcelona About?

Mario Casas as Sebastián in Bird Box Barcelona
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Credit: Netflix

Bird Box Barcelona is a spin-off movie of Sandra Bullock's post-apocalyptic thriller that came out in 2018.

Although the film is set in a different country, it shows that the whole world was taken over by these mysterious creatures that drove people to their deaths.

Bird Box Barcelona is not exactly a sequel of the 2018 film since it takes place around the same time. Instead, it gives us a glimpse of how the other parts of the world deal with the apocalyptic event.

The 2023 film also introduces us to a new character, Sebastián (played by Mario Casas) and his daughter, Anna (played by Alejandra Howard).

Even though Sebastián seems like just a regular guy dealing with an apocalyptic event, we are led to believe that he is a good guy. But shortly after the film takes momentum, we realize that this isn't the case.

Why Can Sebastián See the Bird Box Monsters?

Mario Casas as Sebastián in Bird Box Barcelona
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Credit: Netflix

This leads us to an important question on why Sebastián can see these monsters and not be under their spell.

As in the case of the first movie, we learn that there are a group of people (called Seers) who are immune to these mysterious creatures.

The first movie shows us that these people are not to be trusted-- that they will force you to open your eyes and look at the creatures until you eventually commit suicide.

As it turns out, Sebastián is one of these people. He can see these monsters and not feel the need to push himself off a platform or smash his head against a glass wall.

Bird Box Barcelona: What Are Seers?

Leonardo Sbaraglia as Padre Esteban in Bird Box Barcelona
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Credit: Netflix

Seers are ordinary people whose DNA have been altered due to emotional trauma. In Sebastián's case, he experienced a double trauma from watching his wife get killed by a car at the start of the invasion.

Shortly after, his daughter, Anna, gets killed by someone he trusted would protect them: Padre Esteban (played by Leonardo Sbaraglia).

Because of this trauma, Sebastián is unable to see the creatures as that-- monsters. Instead, he sees them as otherworldly angels.

Mario Casas as Sebastián in Bird Box Barcelona
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Credit: Netflix

And in his quest to reunite with his daughter in Heaven, Sebastián believes he needs to "save" more people by forcing them to see the monsters.

Sebastián is just one of the many blind fanatics who use force and violence to convince survivors to look at the monsters and their souls exit their bodies and get carried up to heaven.

But it's important to note that not all Seers see the same thing. Sebastián sees seraphs since he is a devout Catholic. Meanwhile, another Seer thinks the monsters are aliens that are beaming up people onto their mothership.

In the first movie, one of the Seers we come across was Gary (played by Tom Hollander).

What Made Sebastián Learn the Truth?

Mario Casas as Sebastián in Bird Box Barcelona
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Credit: Netflix

After infiltrating and killing the group hiding in the bus terminal, Sebastián comes across a new group. At first, they were dubious of his character and learn that he was lying about knowing where the generator was.

But after being the only one able to translate Sofia's (played by Naila Schuberth), a young German girl, words to Spanish, he earns favor from the group.

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They decide to bring him to a mountainous shelter where the girl's mother is perceived to be.

Georgina Campbell as Claire, Naila Schuberth as Sofia, Mario Casas as Sebastián in Bird Box Barcelona
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Credit: Netflix

Sebastián, on the other hand, sees this as a way to "save" more people and be able to get reunited with his wife and daughter. He decides to lie low and not reveal his intentions until they get to Montjuïc Castle.

Along the way, however, Sebastián begins doubting himself. He eventually realizes that the monsters are evil and not the angels he initially believed they were.

His group comes across Padre Esteban and his followers, who attack them. Sebastián decides to sacrifice himself so that Claire and Sofia can get to the castle safely.

Sebastián dies a hero and a changed man.

Do They Find a Cure in Bird Box Barcelona?

Random woman in Bird Box Barcelona
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Credit: Netflix

Now that Sofia is reunited with her mother at Montuïc Castle, Claire (played by Georgina Campbell) learns that the doctors are working on a cure against these monsters.

The doctors at the shelter were able to trap a Seer and conduct tests. They collect blood from the Seer and inject into a lab rat to see how long it can survive against the unseen entity.

Although we don't know much about this right now, but this scene leads us to assume that they're probably working on a third Bird Box movie.

We'll have to wait for Netflix to make an official announcement in the future.

RELATED: Is Bird Box Barcelona a Spin-Off or Sequel?

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