The 10 Best Anime for Cat Lovers!

The 10 Best Anime For Cat Lovers!
Credit: Zero-G

The 10 Best Anime For Cat Lovers!
Credit: Zero-G

There are two types of people in this world: dog people and cat people. If you fall into the latter category, then here are 10 of the best anime for cat lovers like you! We adore our feline buddies, and it's delightful to watch them animated!

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  1. Chi’s Sweet Home

    People of all ages can enjoy Chi’s Sweet Home, especially those who are into keeping cats. Boasting a total of 104 episodes, Chi’s Sweet Home is still an easy and pretty fast anime to watch!

    Don’t be intimidated by the number of episodes this anime has, because each episode only runs for three minutes!

    Chi’s Sweet Home follows a cute kitten named Chi, who unfortunately got lost and was separated from her mother. Fortunately, Chi found another home in a human family that lives nearby.

    They decided to adopt her even though their apartment complex doesn’t allow its tenants to keep pets. This is why the Yamada family needs to do everything in their power to keep Chi’s existence a secret!

    If you’re planning on buying and/or adopting your very first cat, then Chi’s Sweet Home will be helpful to guide you through it step by step!

  2. Too Cute Crisis

    If you like cat cafés, this anime could be right up your alley! Too Cute Crisis is a cute anime with a unique blend of humor and sci-fi that distinguishes it from the other anime on our list.

    Imagine being invaded by aliens one day and being saved by the cuteness of cats. Too Cute Crisis revolves around Chief Investigator Liza Luna of the Azatos Empire’s survey ship. 

    She came to Earth to study, believing that nothing fascinating would prevent her from destroying the planet. But then Liza learns the adorableness of cats, and her decision to destroy the Earth is immediately reversed!

    Liza's duty is now to research Earth's lovely inhabitants, not the other way around!

  3. Bananya

    Imagine you're peeling a banana when all of a sudden a lovely white cat appears! Will you continue to eat it, or will you keep it as a pet?

    Enjoy the daily life of feline-fruit hybrid cats in Bananya! After watching this show, I'm sure you'll look for a cat beneath the banana peel one of these days!

    Bananya, as the title suggests, centers around the easygoing and friendly Bananya, who only wants to have himself showered in chocolate.

    Join Bananya and his companions as they appreciate everything the earth has to offer in their daily lives.

  4. Psycho Nya Nya

    Have you ever wondered why cats flee from their owners' homes? In Psycho Nya Nya, Nyanya, a neurotic house cat, spends his days plotting his ultimate escape from his owner, Young Sook. And what may be the reason Nyanya wants to flee?

    Well, Nyanya wants to save his nads, but Young Sook wants him neutered! From this point forward, Nyanya starts terrorizing Young Sook with silly schemes night and day just to change his owner’s mind.

    However, Young Sook doesn’t really mind what Nyanya has been doing to her! In her eyes, Nyanya is still her beloved pet cat, for better or worse!

    Will Nyanya be able to escape, save his nads, and get a beautiful girlfriend in the process?

  5. With a Dog and a Cat, Everyday Is Fun

    If you can't decide between a cat and a dog, this anime is perfect for you! Perhaps this is designed just for folks who desire the best of both worlds! Furthermore, this anime is based on the author's own life!

    With a Dog and a Cat, Everyday Is Fun revolves around the daily lives of a manga artist named Matsumoto Hidekichi and her pets.

    While Matsumoto's dog is lovely and hardworking, her cat has a frightful visage and a sly and unpleasant demeanor.

    This anime accurately illustrates the situation of having both a pet cat and a pet dog. They cause trouble, but they also provide joy to their owners!

  6. The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today

    The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today is a fascinating anime with compelling characters. Have you ever considered having a pet cat the size of a human? Will that frighten you or interest you?

    A young salary woman's pet cat in this anime is as big as she is! But more than that, Saku Fukuzawa’s newest companion can handle all of her household chores, not to mention her well-being, including her drinking habit!

    Since Saku decided to take Yukichi home, her lifestyle has finally changed. With Yukichi taking care of her, Saku finally started a healthier life, and she also began taking better care of herself!

  7. My Cat Hates Me

    Despite the word "Hate" in the title, My Cat Hates Me is a pretty wholesome anime that leaves viewers with a happy feeling after each episode. The anime also gets better as the plot progresses!

    My Cat Hates Me follows a young manga artist who decides to adopt Emperor, a cat, and Bazaar Black, a dog, on his path to discovering inspiration.

    Despite having two different kinds of pets, the protagonist is glad for the love and companionship they provide.

    Of course, having a dog and a cat at the same time is a recipe for disaster, but he is more than willing to put up with it!

  8. Nights With a Cat

    Nights With a Cat delves into the mysteries behind the behavior, habits, quirks, and attitudes of house cats. It's a sweet and uplifting anime full of surprises that will make you want to care for and notice your feline buddies more.

    The anime also has a distinct art style, which adds to its entertainment and cuteness.

    Nights With a Cat follows a first-time cat owner named Fuuta, who finds himself caring for his sister’s pet cat named Kyuruga. Because Fuuta is new to owning a cat, he became fascinated with all things related to Kyuruga.

    From trying to take a photo with him to his lightning-fast mood changes, Fuuta finally gets involved in a whole new world full of surprises!

  9. My Roommate Is a Cat

    A heartwarming anime about a cat and its owner, My Roommate Is a Cat revolves around Subaru Mikazuki, a 23-year-old shut-in who works as a mystery writer, and his adopted female Tuxedo cat named Haru.

    My Roommate Is a Cat is an interesting anime for cat lovers because it is told from the perspectives of both Subaru and Haru.

    Our two main protagonists are polar opposites, and they rarely understand each other, but this difference in personalities allowed them to get closer.

    While Subaru is introverted and doesn’t get along well with people, Haru is very bold and brave, brought upon by the challenges she encountered prior to being adopted by Haru.

    Together, they understood the real value of love and friendship.

  10. She and Her Cat: Everything Flows

    This cute but sad anime is a masterpiece. It has a simple premise but will leave viewers with a lasting impression.

    In four episodes, each with a runtime of seven minutes, She and Her Cat: Everything Flows will make you think about your life’s challenges.

    She and Her Cat: Everything Flows is told from the perspective of a cat named Daru. He has been living with his owner and friend, Kanojo, ever since they were young.

    They had a rough start, but they eventually grew fond of each other to the extent that Daru can fully understand Kanojo’s hardships, especially now that she’s a college student who's beginning to face the world.

    Despite the various rejections, challenges, and changes Kanojo now faces, her pet cat Daru will always remain by her side.

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