Baby Yoda Has Stolen The Spotlight In Star Wars: The Mandalorian

Star Wars: The Mandalorian might all be about Pedro Pascal's Mandalorian bounty hunter, but it seems like a surprise character's managed to steal the spotlight from the warrior. During the first episode of the series, fans see the Mandalorian tasked to obtain another bounty from a desolate planet. The bounty hunter isn't given that much to work with except the bounty's last coordinates and age – the client is after someone 50 years old.

Much to everyone's surprise, the end of the episode reveals that the bounty is actually a 50-year old baby Yoda. Since then, fans have been going wild over the infant, posting memes and all sorts of discussions about baby Yoda on Twitter. It doesn't help that baby Yoda was especially cute in episode 2 of The Mandalorian, following the Mando wherever he went and then using the Force to save the bounty hunter from certain death.

Check out some of the Tweets about baby Yoda down here:

Baby Yoda seems to have captured the hearts of fans everywhere, and we're all excited to see what kind of Force capabilities the infant has in the next few episodes of The Mandalorian.

The infant is very important in Star Wars lore. There's very little known about the baby's species. The best-known member of the group is Yoda, and aside from the Jedi Master, we've seen or heard very little about the species. Seeing a young Force-sensitive Yoda sparks a whole lot of questions about the species future in Star Wars' galaxy far, far away.

Star Wars: The Mandalorian is available for screening on Disney+.

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