A Quiet Place Writers Turned Down Offers to Work on Star Wars and Indiana Jones

With Star Wars more popular than ever these days, it would be crazy for people to turn down any offers from Lucasfilm and Disney. However, given their track record of being controlling when it comes to their films, look at the pre-production horror stories of Rogue One and Solo, that notion isn't as crazy as it once was. Whether it was due to that or something else, the writers of A Quiet Place have turned down offers to work on Star Wars and Indiana Jones.

Speaking with MovieWeb, writers Scott Beck and Bryan Woods revealed that they would rather make new IPs or explore new ideas instead of banking on nostalgia. While those aren't their actual words, that's the kind of message you get when reading their response as to why they declined LucasFilm's offer to work on a new Star Wars or Indiana Jones film.

Here's Woods' response:

We went into Lucasfilm in the wake of A Quiet Place and they wanted to talk to us about Indiana Jones and Star Wars. And we're like, 'We wanna talk to you about, what is Star Wars before it was Star Wars?' You guys have a responsibility to start a new franchise. That's where our hearts have always been, just trying to create original ideas

Now here's Beck's:

Without giving away too much... it was simply ruminating on if we did an Indiana Jones movie, what would we want to see in Indiana Jones? Or if we did a Star Wars movie, what's that chapter of the whole universe that we would want to see? So it very much was an open canvas talk. It started going down the line a little bit but, again, as Bryan said, it's just not our DNA. We would rather create what the next Indiana Jones could be.

You have to admire these two for wanting to work on new ideas and not just recycling old ones, which is the main problem with Star Wars right now. While we are getting new trilogies from Rian Johnson, D.B. Weiss, and David Benioff, one can't help but feel like Kylo Ren and wish the past would just die.

Then again, I cry whenever I hear Butter-Fly from Digimon, so I'm kind of a hypocrite. Still, we wish these two writers luck with whatever IP they end up making since Hollywood really needs some new ideas right now.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will be coming out on December 20.

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