Zack Snyder on His Justice League Cut's Completion Status

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Two years ever since the Justice League was released, DC fans are well in the hopes to see Zack Snyder's original version of the film. Now that the cut's existence is acknowledged, fans are still debating on whether or not it's actually finished. And to finally settle this, Snyder clarifies the cut's completion status.

Over at Vero, a fan asked the director if his film is already a hundred percent done, with all the CGI and scoring too, since the fan "can't' stand" the debates amongst other people on Twitter. To which Snyder responded, "Film is not 100 percent finished," he revealed. The director said he still has "some stuff" he "wants" to do, as with every film he has done. However, he isn't sure if this stuff would make a huge difference to the "finished level of the film."

OTHER: Zack Snyder Answers a Question About the Completion of "Zack Snyder's Justice League"

Some fans were still a bit confused with the director's reply. That being said, some have speculated that, technically, his cut is complete, with all the CGI. However, he just wants to add some extra stuff. Other fans also think that since he compared his version to other movies he has made, they presume that the film is technically finished, but instead of adding, he'll change up some stuff.

Snyder's answers aren't always straightforward, which is why, when he releases something on his account at Vero, fans always get curious and speculate multiple theories. But it seems like the majority of the fans think the film's done, but with only a few tweaks that Snyder will go through.

Do you think fans would ever get to see the Snyder Cut? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Also Read: Zack Snyder on Why He Hasn't Seen Joss Whedon's Cut of Justice League

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