Zack Snyder Further Explains Flash’s Time Travel Plan in Batman v Superman

If Batman v Superman is one thing, it's definitely convoluted, and the films tries to throw a lot of information at you which will build up to the Justice League films and more. What's interesting is, Zack Snyder has further elaborated on the plan Flash's plan from to send a message from the future, and how it would have affected the future JL films.

Talking during his live commentary of Batman v Superman (via Heroic Hollywood), Snyder explains,

"I had this idea that in the future when they the Justice League are talking about sending Flash back to warn Bruce Wayne, that Cyborg would be doing the calculations to send him back and would say ‘I have two possibilities of where to send Flash back in time. The numbers point to two moments to warn you [Bruce]… Like if it's right near the moment when this event might happen — where Lois might get killed, or Bruce isn't able to stop it, however that's happening — it would be important if Flash came closer to that moment so that Bruce could understand the reality of it.

Here's the scene:'

Snyder continues:

And so in the future Bruce says to Cyborg ‘Well, what times would you send me back to…What time right now would you send me back?' And Cyborg says ‘I'm leaning toward this.' And Bruce says ‘Do the other one, because you already sent him back here and it was too early, so send me to the other one.' So that's how he's able to get him [The Flash] back again. Because in the new timeline he goes to a different point in time that's closer to the event that we haven't seen yet in this film."

It was said that the original plan for Justice League was to have three movies, and the third one would have taken place in the Knightmare world we see in Bruce's vision. That's the film where they attempt to send Flash back so that he could warn Bruce about Darkseid.

If anything, the DCEU had a promising start when it began, but after the films were bashed by some fans about not being too close to Marvel, WB had decided to pivot, leaving Snyder's original plans in the dust.

We don't know exactly what the future holds for DC, but I'm hoping they manage to make the universe cohesive once again. I would have definitely loved to have watched more of Ben Affleck's Batman.

For now, the next DCEU film, Wonder Woman 1984, is set to come out on Aug. 14.

Read Also: Zack Snyder Reveals the Truth Behind Aquaman's Trident in Batman v Superman

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