Zack Snyder Approached Rogue One Star Donnie Yen About an Aquaman Role

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

Without a doubt, superhero or comic book films are very popular these days. These movies have featured both newcomers and veteran actors that result in an epic ensemble and exciting gigs. As for Donnie Yen, who starred in a movie from the galaxy far, far, away, is he open to play a superhero role in the future?

In a recent interview with IGN to promote his upcoming movie Mulan, the actor revealed that he'd be willing to do so, but it depends. "Actually I was approached to be in the first Aquaman by Zack Snyder," he said. "I think I was in commitment with another film at the time somehow." That said, the actor revealed that they still talked about it and that he's certainly open to the possibility.

"I like to explore," Yen added. "If the role represents along the lines with what I like about the role and the movie, the contents, and the message, then I definitely will consider it." So while the actor is open to playing a superhero and if he is ever offered one, there isn't a guarantee that he'll take it, he'd still consider what the character represents as well as the movie's message.

The Rogue One: A Star Wars Story actor's comments are exciting since this will likely start some fan theories and fan casts for a particular character that they think would fit him well. Plus, it's nice to know that he's open to playing a superhero role.

Which superhero role do you think Yen would suit the best? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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