Wonder Woman Star Gal Gadot Celebrates Film's Fourth Anniversary

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

It's no secret that during its first few years, the DC Extended Universe couldn't seem to hit the mark with fans and critics and while the franchise has actually generated a cult following within the comic book community, it's still nowhere near the level of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in terms of mainstream popularity. However, that all changed following the release of the first Wonder Woman movie which pretty much gave the DCEU a much-needed boost.

It's hard to believe that it's been four years since the original film came out and even actress Gal Gadot finds it surreal that she has gone this far as the live-action version of arguably the most recognizable female superhero ever. Taking to her social media pages, the Israeli star took the opportunity to extend her gratitude to the people who made everything possible for her.

Gal also assured fans that Wonder Woman 3 is in fact happening. She wrote: "Wonder Woman came out 4 years ago and changed my life. Thank you all so much for the love, I'm forever grateful for this amazing opportunity and I promise we will always do everything to keep and tell Wonder Woman's story in the best way possible. Love and Peace!"

By no means is the Wonder Woman franchise perfect with the sequel Wonder Woman 1984 failing to live up to the hype. Still, Gadot's brilliant portrayal as the Amazonian hero in the DCEU is enough reason for her to get a third film. I'm pretty sure she learned a lot from her experiences doing WW1984 and I believe we can all rest assured knowing that they won't be committing the same mistakes for Wonder Woman 3.

Wonder Woman 3
is in active development.

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