Wonder Woman Shakes Down a Goon in this Cool New Wonder Woman 1984 Image

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

One of the most anticipated movies to come out this year is Wonder Woman 1984 and fans can't wait to see what Patty Jenkins comes up with. And since there's still a few more months till its premiere, we're given a new look at the upcoming film that highlights just how badass the hero is.

Fandango recently released a new image from Wonder Woman 1984 which shows Gal Gadot's Diana Prince shaking down a criminal. It seems like this person, who is obviously upside down, is one of the goons that were in the mall, which was briefly shown in the film's first action-packed trailer. You can check it out below.

Staying true to its title, the movie's colors are much vibrant compared to its predecessor, which is very fitting for Wonder Woman 1984's storyline. There isn't much revealed about the film though, but it is already known that The Mandalorian's Pedro Pascal will be playing the villain named Maxwell Lord.

Wonder Woman won't be using her sword and shield in this movie, because according to the actress herself, there's something "very aggressive" about her carrying these weapons. "If you have a sword, it means you need to use it, so we wanted to give that up," Gadot said.

Aside from Pascal, the movie will also feature the return of Chris Pine as Steve Trevor, and what seems to be a friend-turned-enemy character, Cheetah, who will be played by Kristen Wiig.

Are you excited to see Wonder Woman back in action? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Catch Wonder Woman 1984 when it comes out June 24, 2020.

Also Read: Captain Marvel Star Brie Larson Can't Wait to See Wonder Woman 1984

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