Who Does Hobin End up with in Viral Hit? Is It Bomi or Gaeul?

who will hobin end up with viral hit hobin yoo
Credit: PTJ cartoon company・Kim Jong-hyeon/LDF・Fight Self-Study Production Committee

who will hobin end up with viral hit hobin yoo
Credit: PTJ cartoon company・Kim Jong-hyeon/LDF・Fight Self-Study Production Committee

For a growing teenager like Hobin, dating a beautiful girl with a kind personality is a dream come true. As the plot unfolds, who does Hobin end up with in Viral Hit? Here are some theories and predictions.

Spoiler Warning: This article includes spoilers for the Viral Hit manhwa series, so proceed with caution.

Who Is Hobin’s Love Interest in Viral Hit?

Hobin Yoo's love interest in both the Viral Hit anime and manhwa series is Choi Bomi, his amiable and beautiful coworker from the fast-food restaurant.

Unlike the other girls, Bomi regards Hobin as a reputable individual whom she can rely on at work.

She was also grateful to Hobin for saving her from Pakgo, who wanted to use her for content and obtain her personal information.

Hobin, on the other hand, fantasizes about dating someone like Bomi, but he thinks someone like him might not have the opportunity to do so. After all, he feels that Bomi is out of his league.

Meanwhile, Hobin has Gaeul by his side. She is the girl hopping around in episode 2, eager to see Hobin's fight with Pakgo, but she is too short to gain a better view of him in action.

Gaeul soon becomes associated with Hobin and Snapper as she takes on the role of editor.

Her love interest in Viral Hit is Hobin, but Snapper has one-sided affection for her, similar to Jean's relationship with Mikasa in Attack on Titan.

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Does Hobin End up With Bomi or Gaeul?

While fans are divided on who the best girl in the series is, the final chapter of Viral Hit revealed Hobin's endgame once and for all.

Hobin Yoo ends up with none other than Bomi in Viral Hit. He opted to be with Bomi over Gaeul, who confessed to him before their high school graduation.

Of course, the author had a lot of fun misleading the readers about who became Hobin's girlfriend.

In chapter 218, Snapper and the others are waiting for Hobin and his girlfriend to come for Rumi's wedding, years after they graduated.

The next panel showed Hobin and Gaeul together as if they were in a relationship. Bomi later arrives on the scene and holds Hobin's hand as they enter the venue together.

In a flashback, it was shown how Hobin honestly rejected Gaeul's feelings, saying the only woman he sees is Bomi.

Are you happy with Hobin's love life in Viral Hit? Let us know in the comments below and follow us on Facebook for all the latest anime news.

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