Watchmen: Damon Lindelof Explains Robert Redford's Role In HBO Series

One of the most interesting things about the upcoming Watchmen series is how its alternate reality shows a present time where the internet and smartphones do not exist. In addition to that, the US president is movie legend Robert Redford. However, showrunner Damon Lindelof says you shouldn't expect to see too much of the founder of the Sundance Film Festival on the HBO series.

Lindelof recently spoke to Entertainment Weekly to explain Redford's role in the show. Interestingly, the filmmaker stated that the real Redford will not appear in the series.

"I've had a lot of reservations about a lot of the creative choices made in the show," Lindelof said. "I don't think any of the choices were made without reservations and conversations and ultimately a decision. I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to defend every decision I made, but I'll be able to explain why I made it. We had that conversation you're suggesting. But the world of Watchmen is so heightened and so clearly it's an alternate history that it will be clear to everyone we're not talking about the real Robert Redford."

Lindelof was also quick to point out that Redford shouldn't be blamed for whatever is happening in the alternate reality of the series.

"More importantly, the way we handle this story, you can't blame Robert Redford for everything that's happened in the world," he said. "The show says Redford has a liberal ideology, much like the actual Robert Redford, and he was incredibly well-intentioned in terms of the legislation he passed and the America that he wanted to create. But that doesn't mean it worked out the way he wanted it to. And that's not on him, that's on us."

OK, but is Redford in the series? He's listed as a guest star but there is a possibility that his cameo will be limited to archive footage and the like. Either way, it's an interesting idea that we can't wait to see in the show.

Watchmen will premiere on HBO on October 20.

Related: Damon Lindelof Says HBO's Watchmen Series Is A Sequel, Not A Reboot

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