Vanessa Hudgens Responds to Catwoman Casting Rumor

Vanessa Hudgens is down to play Catwoman in Robert Pattinson's The Batman movie.

Following the rumor that Pattinson is being cast as Batman, a report has emerged about the High School Musical alum is being considered for the role of Selina Kyle.

The report has reached Hudgens, who took to Instagram to express her interest to make it a reality. She referred to it is a "dream role" and wants to reach out to the powers that be, writing "Okay. Who do I need to talk to make this happen lol."

She even tagged DC Comics and gushed about the Photoshops of her as Catwoman. Hudgens even shared a photo of her younger self wearing a Catwoman costume to prove how "obsessed" she has always been with the beloved character.

Her reaction has led fans to speculate on whether or not she is really involved in The Batman film. Some fans think that Hudgens isn't getting the role because if she is, the actress should have been asked to refrain from talking about it. The fact that she is also lobbying for it has convinced more to lean into that theory.

Some, however, think that she was asked to respond to the rumors this way so The Batman director Matt Reeves and Warner Bros. could ease people into the potential casting, if not test the waters. There is also the possibility that she is included in a shortlist of actresses being considered for the Catwoman role unbeknownst to her.

Either way, it looks like word really is going around. With reports that the film will go into production soon, we might actually get confirmation on the cast of The Batman sooner rather than later.

So far, it looks like Pattinson getting the Batman role is the only thing about the project that is close to being confirmed. However, the supposed involvement of Hudgens in the film has been determined the same time as the Twilight alum's purported casting, which means that it could be a high possibility too.

Also Read: Here's What Vanessa Hudgens Looks Like As The Batman's Catwoman

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