Todd Phillips Reveals New Joker BTS Photos

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Todd Phillips's Joker is almost on its third weekend, and as a way of celebrating, the director provided some behind-the-scenes shots from the production which, of course, highlights Joaquin Phoenix as the Clown Prince of Crime.

It is no doubt that Joker is a box office hit. The film recently went over the $600 million mark, which is really astounding for a standalone film. And despite criticisms and controversies before and after its release, it's still a film that's talked about by millions, with others holding it with high regard.

Phillips took to Instagram to thank the people that have been supporting and loving the film. Along with his message are photos from the set of Joker. You can check them out below.

Although Joker is a divisive movie, most of the audience loved Phillips' interpretation of Joker and Joaquin Phoenix could possibly be a fan-favorite incarnation of the Clown Prince of Crime. Of course, everyone has different tastes and preferences. So obviously, it is inevitable that some people would hate the movie.

Some critics weren't fond of it and some people weren't happy about the movie being an R-rated one. There were also speculations on violence present in the movie, and that the film is said to encourage mass shooting. There's also an issue with copyrighted music. Yet despite the massive criticism, it's no doubt that the movie made huge strides for the popular DC villain.

The film could be well on its way to being the highest-grossing film of the year.

Joker is currently screening in cinemas.

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