Todd Phillips Explains the Difference Between Joaquin Phoenix’s and Heath Ledger's Jokers

Anyone who's seen Todd Phillips' Joker has nothing to say but praises for the film online and the hype is definitely on for the first entry in "DC Black". There is a lot of scrutiny on whether this Joker will live up to Heath Ledger's from The Dark Knight, and Phillips has gone to comment on what he thinks the main difference between the two Clown Princes of Crime is.

During a press conference after the premiere at the Venice Film Festival (via ComicBook), Phillips went on to say, "I don't think it was this Joker's goal to watch the world burn. This Joker had an entirely different goal in mind… In the beginning of the movie he's sitting here doing this [forcing himself to smile and frown] in the very first scene, and it's a guy searching for identity."

Unlike Ledger's Joker who seems to be more purposeful in his actions, Phoenix's Joker just seems to be a victim of his circumstance, and he ends up becoming a criminal in order to appease his "fans."

Phillips continues, "He thought he was put here on this Earth to make people laugh and bring joy to the world, and he made a few bad decisions along the way, but no, his goal was not that… I think he became a mistaken leader, so to speak, or a symbol. Even [Robert] De Niro, [who plays] Murray [Franklin], says it to him. And Arthur says, ‘No, I'm not political.' He just didn't get what he was creating."

This is definitely an interesting spin on the character, and the way I see it, it's a deep character study masquerading as a comic book film. How else are you going to get these comic fans to check out dark films like Taxi Driver or King of Comedy?

If anything, I'm loving this added spice to the genre, and I can't wait to see what Phoenix (and Phillips) brings to the character.

Catch Joker when it hits theaters Oct. 4.

See Also: Joker Producer Also Doesn't Like Comic Book Movies

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