The Suicide Squad: Jai Courtney Teases His Captain Boomerang Return

Besides Margot Robbie, Jai Courtney is one of the original Suicide Squad cast members who's been asked to come back for James Gunn's reboot/sequel. He's set to reprise the role of Captain Boomerang, and Courtney gives us a little tease of his return to the character.

It's not much, but that gold tooth was a perfect character choice for Captain Boomerang. In fact, the whole look for all the members was one of the saving graces of the first film. The movie made someone as goofy as Captain Boomerang seems like a down to earth and real adversary.

If you ask me, Captain Boomerang was actually one of the most underutilized characters in the first film. His look was absolutely crazy, but we never really got to see him go all out in the movie. They didn't even find a way to make his boomerang skills seem competent. At best he just launches a surveillance boomerang as one of his gadgets, and we got nothing else.

With James Gunn at the helm though, I'm hoping he has something interesting in store for George "Digger" Harkness. We know Gunn has a penchant for weirdo characters thanks to Guardians of the Galaxy, and it's likely he also saw some potential with Captain Boomerang, that's why he brought him back for the sequel. Let's just hope it's for a more substantial role and not just a small cameo.

Catch James Gunn's The Suicide Squad when it hits theaters Aug. 6, 2021.

Read Also: James Gunn: Don't Expect Character Info for The Suicide Squad Anytime Soon

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