The Suicide Squad Director Says Revealing the Character with the Most Screentime is a Major Spoiler

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

The Suicide Squad will feature the return of a few characters from the 2016 film but will also include tons of new characters. James Gunn and the rest of the cast has been tight-lipped about the film, of course, but the director has been answering some fan questions on Twitter.

When asked which character will have the most screentime in the film, the director can't say it yet. "I would consider answering this question a pretty sizable spoiler," he wrote.

The new characters that'll make an appearance in the film haven't been revealed yet so it is quite a tough guess. That said, some might have assumed that Harley Quinn will get the most screentime since she's one of the high points of the film and a popular character. However, given that this is such a big cast, it won't be easy to pinpoint which one it'll be. Upon revealing the cast, Gunn even warned fans to not get too attached, hinting at multiple casualties throughout the film, so it is also hard to guess who'll actually survive by the end of the film.

The one who'll have the most screentime is likely the one who could survive what's to come in the movie and it'll be intriguing to see what kind of adventures they will have that'll end up with some of the characters' demise.

In the meantime, though the movie is more than a year away, Gunn is working on The Suicide Squad edit from home during self-quarantine.

Who do you think it will be? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

The Suicide Squad is set for release on August 6, 2021.

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