The Mandalorian To Feature Familiar Faces From Original Star Wars Trilogy

Star Wars fans will be seeing some familiar faces in the upcoming series The Mandalorian if a brand new report is to be believed.

According to a Reddit leakster named JediPaxis, who got the information from a "reliable source," the Disney+ series will feature several bounty hunters who appeared in the original trilogy.

One of them will be Bossk, who appeared in Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. He will apparently get a new costume for The Mandalorian and that some fellow Trandoshans will appear on the show as well. The bounty hunter has appeared in a few episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but this will be his first live-action comeback.

Another bounty hunter making a live-action small screen debut is Dengar although his appearance comes with a twist. When we first see him in Empire Strikes Back, he had a lot of scars. However, the show version apparently doesn't have any. The leakster notes though that this could simply mean that the makeup was not applied yet when the source saw the character on set.

The third bounty hunter to appear in The Mandalorian is Zukkus. Movie fans might not recognize him though, because he was introduced in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. There's no concrete word on the direction they are taking for this character.

There is also mention of Quarren, Jawas, Klatooinians, and Nikto from the original and prequel trilogy will also be featured as well as Blurrg from Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

In fact, it is unclear at the moment the extent of the appearance of these memorable Star Wars characters in The Mandalorian. Either way, it would be fun to see them all again in action.

Apparently, there's no sign of 4-LOM from Empire Strikes Back appearing in the series although the source says this is not definite yet. What's sure is that there will be no main characters from the movies. This means that Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, C-3PO, and R2 won't pop by even though the show will be set in Tatooine.

What do you think of original trilogy characters appearing on The Mandalorian?

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