The Mandalorian Gets Nominated for Outstanding Drama Series at the Emmys

When it comes to award shows like the Oscars, big franchise entries like Star Wars are often set aside to make way for more ‘artistic' entries. What's great is, the Emmys have decided that one SW property is deserving of the best drama series.

According to EW, The Mandalorian has been nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Drama Series. Other shows that will be competing for that title include Better Call Saul, The Crown, The Handmaid's Tale, Killing Eve, Ozark, Stranger Things, and Succession.

While I enjoy The Mandalorian, I personally don't think that the story is complex or insightful enough to get an Emmy for best drama. I mean, the story is kind of surface level, and a huge chunk of the season is dedicated to anthology snippets where the Mandalorian has to deal with a specific adventure; ultimately ending up back on the Nevarro to deal with Gus Fring and his stormtroopers. I think the winner should be a show that managed to deliver a fully cohesive season with little to no fat to the overall story.

Speaking of Gus Fring, Giancarlo Esposito (Moff Gideon) has also received an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series; he's also nominated for Outstanding Supporting Actor, but that one's for Better Call Saul. While he was only present for one episode in the first season of Mando, we expect him to have a much larger role in the second season.

Despite my criticism, Mandalorian is still an achievement, and it certainly deserves to be recognized at the Emmys. While I think it's a longshot for a win, it's great that a franchise title like this is being considered for its artistic merit.

The Mandalorian returns on Disney+ this October.

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