Taika Waititi's Star Wars Movie Could Involve Marvel's Kevin Feige

There is little doubt that Star Wars Day gave fans several great news. For instance, it was confirmed that Taika Waititi would be working on an upcoming Star Wars movie. But is it possible that the Thor: Ragnarok director will be collaborating with someone from the Marvel Cinematic Universe all over again? A new theory suggests that Waititi's new project is also the same one that Kevin Feige will be working on.

Back in October, it was confirmed that the Marvel boss would be developing a new Star Wars film. Although the details about the project were not revealed right away, it was reported that Feige's movie would not be the same one that was abandoned by Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. With that in mind, Screenrant purports that Feige may have chosen The Mandalorian director Waititi to helm the new film.

The report points out that Feige and Waititi have already worked together on Ragnarok and it's easy to assume that the former would want his Star Wars film to be directed by someone he could rely on. In addition to that, Waititi has already proven himself with an Oscar win for Jojo Rabbit and a future MCU project Thor: Love and Thunder.

Of course, there is still a possibility that Waititi's film is not connected to the one that Feige is involved in. With that in mind, it's best to take this with a grain of salt.

Do you think Feige and Waititi are working together on a new Star Wars film? Sound off in the comments below.

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