Suicide Squad Director Shares Original Climax Scene with the Joker

Ever since Zack Snyder's Justice League was announced for HBO Max, Suicide Squad director David Ayer had been campaigning online for the release of his original vision for the movie. One of his main hooks is Jared Leto's "real" performance as the Joker, and Ayer had shared what the scene in the climax would have looked like.

He posted this on his IG stories (via @UberKryptonian):

As you can see, Joker was supposed to appear in the final scene threatening to blow everyone up. For some reason, the Enchantress also wants to get the ‘sword'. We don't know which prop this is specifically, but I have a feeling it's Katana's; it was said that she had a larger role in the film before the re-edit by the studio.

We don't really know how the scene with the Joker ends, I'm definitely interested to see how it goes. Though the movie was a commercial success, it was a critical bomb. With Ayer being a solid filmmaker, it's really baffling that Suicide Squad would end up the way it did.

Hopefully, there's still some Snyder Cut energy to help #ReleaseTheAyerCut. The great news is, Ayer is promising that it will be way easier to finish his version of the film, so the studio would be taking a smaller risk as compared to Justice League. At this point, I think they're just waiting for the release of JL in 2021 to see if they should invest in Ayer's version of the Suicide Squad. Even if JL doesn't succeed though, I honestly think WB has nothing to lose with an investment in this version.

For now, Zack Snyder's Justice League is set to come out on HBO Max sometime in 2021.

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