Star Wars: The Mandalorian Star Giancarlo Esposito Talks About Virtual Set

Besides its captivating story and its compelling set of characters, one of the great things about Star Wars: The Mandalorian is its visual effects and the technology that came into play during the production of the hit Star Wars series.

Not only did Jon Favreau and his team of directors shoot scenes in the traditional manner, but they also used a virtual set to help create The Mandalorian's many strange new worlds.

Speaking in an interview with Collider,The Mandalorian star Giancarlo Esposito talks about the work done on the series, highlighting the advanced technology used in the development of the show.

"In the old days, we had greenscreen, which created our environment behind us," Esposito says above, "And now this world creates all of our solar system, our sky, our earth, but it's really being projected through a computer. So I find that your imagination has to fill in the rest. And so it's a different style of acting — you're looking around the room, you may have some props to stand on, or the vehicle that you arrived in, whether it be my TIE Fighter, or something else. But there's nothing else there, except what's projected."

Of course, actors had to get used to the virtual set. Esposito had to do extra work on his scenes, saying that he would create a theatrical black box by sitting down, reading his character's scene, and then throwing his imagination into the moment and owning it.

Esposito did a pretty great job, of course. The actor who's mostly known for his role in the critically-acclaimed AMC series Breaking Bad wasn't afraid to show off his prowess, turning his character, Moff Gideon, into the most frightening villain in The Mandalorian.

Right now, Star Wars fans are waiting for the second season of The Mandalorian to make its way to Disney+.

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