Star Wars’ Jon Favreau On The Mandalorian Building Up From The Prequels

Star Wars' prequel trilogy may continue to have a bit of a divisive quality to it, however, Star Wars fans do know that it's hard to deny George Lucas actually pushed the limits of technology in filmmaking during that time.

Jon Favreau is doing the same for his upcoming Star Wars Disney+ series, Star Wars: The Mandalorian, creating the show on digital production. While some fans might be concerned knowing how the prequels didn't really age all too well, the filmmaker seems to be proud of the fact that he's building on what George Lucas first innovated.

"Well, I would argue that the prequels are — and [George] Lucas in general is — the bedrock that all of this is built on. He is the first person that had digital photography, he was the first person to do completely CG characters. The whole notion of not having even a print [version of the film], of having everything be 0's and 1's, was all George," Favreau responded when asked by The Hollywood Reporter about concerns whether digital production would do really well considering Lucas' prequel films.

In his interview with the entertainment news outlet, Favreau talks about the developments that technology has achieved, promising fans that they're going to get a Star Wars experience made from "cutting-edge stuff."

Of course, fans shouldn't really worry about Favreau's ability to work with digital production. The director was able to produce films like The Jungle Book and The Lion King, both of which were computer-generated and yet stunned fans with its gorgeous visuals.

If anything, we can only expect the very best from Favreau.

Star Wars: The Mandalorian is set for release on November 12, 2019.

Read: Jon Favreau: The Mandalorian Will Hone in on the 'Mad Max Aspect of Star Wars'

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