Star Wars Fans Start Petition to Add a Baby Yoda Emoji

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

Without a doubt, Baby Yoda has stolen the spotlight in The Mandalorian and with it, the hearts of thousands of Star Wars fans. The surprise character took the internet by storm ever since being introduced in the very first episode, and people can't seem to get over him since. In fact, a petition was even launched involving the Child.

A Star Wars fan named Travis Bramble started a petition on for a Baby Yoda emoji. The said petition seems to be directed to the Apple company. "It's pretty self-explanatory," the fan wrote. "I think Baby Yoda should be an emoji."

His reason? It's because the character stole the people's hearts, and now, he would like the Child to steal their "keyboard space" as well. Bramble even shared some scenarios on when using the emoji would be appropriate. Such as replying with the emoji when a friend shares a picture of their newborn baby to show that their kid is "cute beyond words." Or when your mom asks if you want soup because you're sick, you could just respond back with the emoji "to show her that your thirst for soup is insatiable."

"Join me into this movement and let your voice be heard," the fan wrote towards the end of the petition's description. "WE WANT BABY YODA EMOJI!!!'

Well, the Baby Yoda fever is real and this is evident with the number of signatures it has already garnered. The petition seems to be aiming for 2,500 signs. At the time of this writing, fans are already close to their goal with 2,222 signatures.

Would you like a Baby Yoda emoji? When do you think it would be appropriate to add the cute emoticon in your conversations? Tell us in the comments below!

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