Star Wars Fans Can Get Paid $1000 Just to Binge-Watch the Whole Saga Prior to The Rise of Skywalker

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

There's only less than a month away until The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters. This means Star Wars fans still have time to catch up and get a little refresher to the previous eight movies before Episode IX gets released. In the meantime, why not binge-watch, do something you enjoy, and get paid by doing it?

Cable TV recently announced that one "destined" fan could go on a whole Star Wars marathon. The "chosen one" will be able to earn $1,000 just to binge-watch the whole saga. The site says they're looking for a Star Wars "junkie" with a "Chewbacca-sized personality," as well as the "wit" of Han Solo and the "smarts" of Yoda.

The site also requires the lucky fan to be active on Twitter, making sure that they'll tag Cable TV, and share some Jedi wisdom to their followers. It's also an added bonus if the fan is active on Twitch, Reddit, and other social media.

Along with getting $1000, the lucky fan will also be given a welcome package that consists of The Complete Saga on Blu-Ray, Solo on Blu-Ray, a Nerf Han Solo blaster, a Chewbacca onesie, an R2-D2 popcorn popper and many more!

To those who are interested, in order to be qualified, you should be 18 years or older and a US citizen. "You might be too old to start training as a Jedi, but at least you can get paid a thousand bucks to watch Star Wars," Cable TV wrote.

That being said, applications already opened last week. However, it will run until December 11, so there's still plenty of time to join.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker premieres December 20.

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