Star Wars: Disney Reportedly Making Serious Changes to Sequel Trilogy

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

It goes without saying that Disney's Star Wars sequel trilogy didn't successfully captivate longtime fans of the franchise and for a time, many believed that the company wouldn't be able to bounce back from its failure. Thankfully, over the last three years, the House of Mouse has made efforts to appease the fandom through projects like The Mandalorian and Obi-Wan Kenobi which have undoubtedly renewed everyone's hopes about the future of Star Wars.

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Credit: Lucasfilm

There have been rumors that Disney was planning to erase The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker from the official canon but those have already been dismissed. Now, a new report claims that although the company is still keeping the sequels as part of the main continuity, all three films will allegedly undergo some re-editing.

According to YouTuber Mike Zeroh, Jon Favreau, Dave Filoni, and George Lucas will be working closely to oversee the re-release of the sequels by 2024. This would include adding deleted scenes and filming additional footage, most notably Episode IX's climactic scene featuring the reemergence of several Force Ghosts who rallied behind Rey during her battle with Darth Sidious.

Instead of being just voices, the reworked finale of Episode IX will reportedly see some of the actors reprising their Jedi roles, including Hayden Christensen who already signed on for the said re-edits. Of course, nothing has been officially confirmed yet so take this one with a death star-sized grain of salt.

Also Read: Star Wars: John Boyega Criticizes Luke Skywalker’s Sequel Trilogy Arc

Surely, a lot of fans are in favor of the sequels being erased from history but personally, I think removing them from canon isn't going to fix things. It's completely pointless and if Disney truly wants to make it up to the fandom, the next trilogy set post-Skywalker saga would be the perfect canvass.

Disney's Star Wars sequel trilogy is available for streaming exclusively on Disney+.

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