Star Wars Battlefront II Mod Brings the Mandalorian to the Game

While we know that BB-8 is going to be a playable hero in Star Wars Battlefront II next month, the fans still have a lot of other characters that they want DICE to bring into the game. A lot of people have been hoping that Pedro Pascal's Mandalorian becomes a playable hero, but since we have no update, u/Dulana57 has come up with this mod that brings everyone's new favorite Mando into Battlefront II.

Check it out:

The Mandalorian

What's interesting is, though I thought that the mod would have used Boba Fett as the basis, this one actually uses the play-style of Finn. I guess it works pretty well for the character seeing as our Mando doesn't have a jetpack; plus he can alternate from using the pulse rifle to his pistol.

I guess when it comes to details, the look gets kind of shoddy. Some of the armor around the character seems to be clone trooper armor that's been turned chrome. I have to say that the helmet does look thinner than that of Boba Fett's in the game.

For now, we don't know if the devs have any plans on bringing our main Mando to the game, but if they plan to just keep growing the player base, then I think he would be a great addition. By the looks of it, people really want Ahsoka and Ventress to be playable characters; here I am wishing we got a playable IG-88 or at least some of the heroes from the 2015 game.

Star Wars Battlefront II is now playable for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Read Also: Star Wars Battlefront II to Introduce BB-8 and BB-9E as Playable Heroes

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