Robert Pattinson Would Like To Avoid Batman Nicknames

Robert Pattinson might be set to play the DC Extended Universe's new Dark Knight in Matt Reeve's highly anticipated The Batman, however, it seems like the Twilight star isn't that quite fond of fans habit of making Batman nicknames for DC's live-action stars.

Speaking in an interview with ET, Pattinson was asked about his upcoming Batman role for DC. During the discussion, the actor decided to address one part of the Batman role that he doesn't really like – the fandom's habit of giving unofficial nicknames. Ben Affleck was called "Batfleck" ever since he was cast as the Dark Knight in films like Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League. Now that Pattinson's set to star in The Batman, fans have started calling the actor names like "RBatz" as well as "Battinson."

As catch as they might sound, Pattinson would rather avoid the whole ordeal.

"I don't know ... I'm trying to avoid... avoiding nicknames," the actor told the entertainment news outlet.

Of course, Pattinson's discomfort with the nickname probably won't stop the fanbase. Fans are fond of giving out nicknames to comic book movie actors, and honestly speaking, names like Battinson and Rbatz seem like they'll catch on really quickly. We're also pretty certain that the name is going to stick if the fanbase comes to love Pattinson's version of the Dark Knight.

How about you? What do you think of the nicknames Rbatz and Battinson? Do you have other nicknames you'd like to call Pattinson's version of Batman? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

The Batman premieres June 25, 2021.

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