Rob Liefeld Makes Call To Save DC Comics

Warner Brothers has been undergoing a few managerial shake-ups as of late, and it looks like Rob Liefeld isn't that happy with the changes that are being made to DC Comics.

Taking to Twitter, the Deadpool comic book creator decided to address the potential changes that are going to be made over at Warner Brothers now that Warner Media Chief John Stankey has been promoted to AT&T's new COO.

"Save DC Comics!" Liefeld wrote in his first post.

The comic book writer has been posting a series of other tweets regarding DC, telling fans that there's a new "Crisis" at the publication and that the company should "just vaporize it and begin again." Liefeld even tries to suggest that DC use "Marv Wolfman's unused outline from 1985."

This isn't the first time that Liefeld has expressed concern for DC Comics' management. Back in June, the comic book creator said that the comic book publishing house would be driven off a cliff and that the company was in such disarray that DC ought to "fire everybody in management and refresh."

While we might chalk it off as a rant, Liefeld's tweets may very well be an indicator of trouble over at DC. Back in July, Forbes wrote a piece about DC Comics' place in AT&T's vision for Warner Media, and it looks like there have been some major changes made to the comic book publication. Is AT&T trying to push DC into a corner? Or is the company planning to sell off DC Comics?

We'll update everyone as soon as we get word.

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