Rick And Morty Season 4 Trailer Features an Epic Joker Easter Egg

Credit: Adult Swim & Warner Bros.

Credit: Adult Swim & Warner Bros.

After a short hiatus, Rick and Morty returns to Adult Swim for the second half of season four on May 3. A trailer was released to tease what's to come in the remaining episodes, and it was packed with plenty of pop culture references, including a reference to DC's iconic villain, the Joker.

It isn't clear whether the footage from this new trailer is actually from the second half of the season, considering that it was uploaded on April Fools' Day, but there is one part in the trailer that is a nod to the Joker's origin.

At one point, Rick gets into the ship and told Morty that if anything goes wrong, he should "jump into the same vat of acid" that Rick will jump into. That particular episode seems to be set in a Gotham City-like place too, with the green smoke coming out from the roof of the factories. As you probably know, Joker jumped into a vat of green acid which transformed his appearance, making him pale-skinned. This took place in Ace Chemicals, with the place located in a dirtier part of the Gotham City.

As seen later in the clip, Rick and Morty were briefly shown jumping from a catwalk and into a vat of green acid, much like what the Joker did.

Though this doesn't essentially mean that DC characters will make an appearance on the show, based on the trailer, these cool nods will likely be referenced throughout the remaining episodes.

New episodes of Rick and Morty Season 4 arrives in May 3rd on Adult Swim.

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