Peacemaker: HBO Max Releases First Exclusive Clip

Ever since The Suicide Squad was released, fans have been looking forward to the Peacemaker series, especially after what was teased in the post-credits scene which revealed the fate of the titular character. Now, we finally have our first full look at the upcoming series.

HBO Max has released the first exclusive clip for Peacemaker. In the one-minute footage, we see the ARGUS agents making fun of Peacemaker's costume, car, and his pet eagle "Eagle-y" as they dine in a restaurant, probably preparing for a mission. You can view the clip here:

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The clip is only a minute long, but it gave us an idea about the tone of the series which is seemingly going to be comedic just like The Suicide Squad. They also referenced Amanda Waller which indicates that she still has a stronger presence in the story, but whether she appears on-screen remains to be seen. In some ways, you can call the series a sequel to the film. After all, we can also see Steve Agee's John Economos and Jennifer Holland's Emilia Harcourt appear in the clip, reprising their appearances from the film. It is just exciting that we will get to see Peacemaker's next adventure and deep dive more into the character, which was one of the fan favorites coming out of the film.

Also Read:James Gunn Confirms Another DC Project After Peacemaker

The series is set to explore the origins of the titular character, who is a merciless killer that believes in peace at any cost, and his various missions after he recovered from his injuries. James Gunn wrote the series as well as directed five episodes. He has hinted that there are characters from the film who might show up in the series. It is expected that the first trailer will be shown during the DC FanDome event this coming October 16.

Peacemaker is set to premiere in January 2022 on HBO Max.

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