Oshi no Ko Fans Are Worried About the Cursed Ship Becoming Canon

Oshi no Ko Ruby Aqua

Oshi no Ko Ruby Aqua

The anime’s first season may be over, but Oshi no Ko continues to be a trending topic, especially with the manga’s latest chapter. And while the events have big implications, Oshi no Ko fans are worried that a cursed ship will become canon.

Thanks to the anime’s success, lots of viewers started reading the Oshi no Ko manga.

From the looks of it, they caught up at the perfect time as things are getting incredibly spicy (for better or for worse).

Spoiler Warning: There are spoilers for Oshi no Ko Chapter 123 in this article.

Aqua and Ruby’s Big Reveal: The Aftermath

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Oshi no Ko's chapter last week was a huge one as it finally saw Aqua and Ruby discovering their past identities. This follows Ruby’s struggles with herself and her relationship with her past mother.

Chapter 123 picks up right where the last one ended, and it saw Ruby revealing that she’s been hoping to see sensei (aka Gorou Amamiya) ever since she started becoming an idol.

Ruby then revealed how crushed she was when she found out that Gorou died years ago. Then, Aqua reveals why he revealed their identities as Ai’s children.

Aqua explained that he wants to take revenge, but he doesn’t want Ruby to fall into the same trap. He then encourages Ruby to live her own life free from Ai’s shadow.

While it was no doubt a touching scene, the final page proved controversial as Ruby recounted Gorou’s promise to marry Sarina when she turns 16.

This wasn’t a confession scene though as this only happened in Ruby’s mind. But it was enough to worry a lot of fans.

RELATED: What’s the Deal With Oshi no Ko’s Starry Eyes?

Oshi no Ko Fans Fear That the Aqua x Ruby Ship Will Become Canon

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For a long time now, Aqua x Ruby has been an infamous ship among the fanbase.

While there are fans who want to see this happen, the vast majority don’t want this ship to become canon.

Because of the latest chapter’s ending though, lots of fans are wishing that this is just a fakeout.

Though given Ruby’s happiness after reuniting with sensei, there is reason to be worried.

Still, many strongly believe that this ship won’t sail as Gorou’s feelings for Sarina don’t seem to be romantic in nature.

Nonetheless, it’ll be interesting to see how their relationship evolves following this reveal.

Fans will need to wait a bit longer for the story to continue though, as Oshi no Ko Chapter 124 has a one-week delay.

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