Obi-Wan Kenobi Casting Call Seemingly Confirms Involvement of Young Luke and Leia

Lucasfilm may have yet to offer official updates regarding its highly-anticipated Obi-Wan Kenobi series, however, production information has managed to leak online and it seems like it points out to the appearance of a young Luke and Leia.

According to a report by Illuminerdi, Lucasfilm just recently put up a casting call for what seems to be younger versions of Luke and Leia for its upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ television series.

The studio is currently looking for a "(Girl) Caucasian, 8-11 years old, to portray a precocious girl," and a "(Boy) Caucasian, 8-11 years old, to portray a precocious boy," and while this is far from a confirmation that the children of Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala will be playing a part in the series, it's difficult to imagine any other reason why Lucasfilm would want two young precocious children in Obi-Wan.

Though Obi-Wan never really took Luke and Leia under his wing, we know that Old Uncle Ben would look into the children from time to time. It isn't difficult to imagine Obi-Wan stalking the children to see if they're alright after giving Luke to Anakin's stepbrother Owen Lars and Leia to Senator Bail Organa in Alderaan.

We wonder if Obi-Wan will ever go on adventures with the children – that would make for an interesting episode in the series.

This new report comes after recent news came out suggesting that Obi-Wan would begin production in Los Angeles in March next year. Hopefully, we'll get confirmation about Luke and Leia's involvement in the series by then.

Obi-Wan Kenobi has yet to receive a release date but we'll update fans as soon as we get word.

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