New Wonder Woman 1984 Poster Perfectly Captures the '80s Aesthetic

Wonder Woman 1984 has been delayed a number of times but that doesn't mean the hype for it has died down. Everyone is still excited to see this sequel and how it portrays iconic DC villains like Maxwell Lord and Cheetah. The ‘80s aesthetic was also captured perfectly in the very first trailer and we've also got some excellent posters inspired by that era, including the one we're talking about today.

Comic-Con Colombia has shared a beautifully illustrated Wonder Woman 1984 poster with a number of great colors that capture what an ‘80s action movie was like. It's a really cool poster and makes us wish that they would release a new trailer already since the first one was really good. Let's just hope that the movie lives up to our expectations since a lot of us are already questioning why Steve Trevor had to come back.

It's not yet clear how much the ‘80s will influence 1984 since some movies have used period settings poorly. Compare X-Men: First Class or Days of Future Past, which used their time periods perfectly, to X-Men: Apocalypse, which didn't use the ‘80s as a proper setting at all, aside from a few haircuts. For the sake of fun and creativity, let's hope for some cool stuff.

Barring any more delays, Wonder Woman 1984 will be coming out this October. The movie was originally delayed for marketing reasons but COVID-19 happens and everything sucks now.

Read: Chris Pine Reveals Details About Steve Trevor's Surprising Return in Wonder Woman 1984

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