New Star Wars LEGO Sets Reveal Details for TROS and The Mandalorian

While Disney is gearing up for their big reveals for Star Wars at the D23 Expo this weekend, some images of LEGO sets have found their way online, and they've revealed some interesting details for The Rise of Skywalker and The Mandalorian.

You can check out the images here.

The Rise of Skywalker

Most of the sets are to promote the release of The Rise of Skywalker, and we have a new Millennium Falcon, a Speeder Chase set with Rey, plus a new A-Wing and Y-Wing. It's worth noting that new character Zori Bliss is seen piloting the Y-Wing for the set, and it's X-Wing pilot Snap Wexley driving the A-Wing.

We also have a new figure for Lt. Connix and she looks to be sporting another Leia hairstyle, and we also have the official title of "Supreme Leader Kylo Ren" in the shuttle set.

The Mandalorian

While we know that TIE Fighters will be in The Mandalorian, this set confirms that we're going to get the classic "chicken walker" AT-ST. By the looks of it, it's been stolen by a bunch of raiders, and it has this interesting paint details around it; it's also worth noting that the setting looks to be a jungle planet.

Miscellaneous Sets

As speculated, we're also getting an updated LEGO "statue" of Yoda, and personally, I'm not a fan of how the head turned out. I do love the classic OT set of Ben Kenobi with the Death Star cannon and control panel. Was it too much to add Darth Vader there?

We don't have a release date for these sets yet, but The Mandalorian comes out on Disney+ on Nov. 12. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters Dec. 20.

See Also: Check Out the Winners of LEGO Ideas' Star Wars Competition ‘The Greatest Battles Built By You!'

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